
9/11 and media coverage of Muslims

The twentieth anniversary of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks is an opportune moment to take stock of the impact of those attacks on the U.S. media’s coverage of Muslims and Islam. We wrote a short article highlighting and building on some key findings in the book.

2020 Report on Media Portrayals

In this third annual report, we examine 2020 coverage of six significant American racial, ethnic, or religious groups - African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, Jews, and Muslims.

2019 Report on Media Portrayals

In this second annual report, we examine 2019 coverage of six significant American racial, ethnic, or religious groups - African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, Jews, and Muslims.

2018 Report on Media Portrayals

In this first annual report, we examine 2018 coverage of five significant American racial, ethnic, or religious groups - African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Jews, and Muslims.